The Summer Institute
2022, Creating strategy and synergy among equity efforts in a diverse educational ecosystem
The 2022 Summer Institute for Equity in the Academic Experience built on the successful programming from previous years and expanded through a hybrid format, resulting in the largest gathering yet with over 430 participants from more than 40 colleges and universities and across 10 leadership sites.
Focused on thinking at the strategic and ecosystems levels, the hybrid conference – featured a virtual component (provocations, roundtables, workshops led by equity leaders from around the country) and a face-to-face component with a gathering in Washington, DC of local teams led by Georgetown and George Mason.
Again, thanks to the generous support of ATI along with Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Gray Foundation the cost of participation was free.
2021, A diverse gathering on leveraging the moment to meet the challenges of diversity, equity and student success

Building on a model established in 2019 and work that continued throughout 2020, the 2021 Summer Institute, held June 21-23, 2021 extended the invitation to participate beyond members of ATI.
With the generous support of ATI along with Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Gray Foundation, and the Aronson Foundation, all institutions were able to participate in this year’s institute at no cost.
Jointly hosted by Georgetown University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Xavier University of Louisiana in partnership with ATI, this year’s virtual Institute convened a diverse community of small and large private and public institutions.
More about 2021 participant institutions
- 28 institutions of all sizes from all across the United States (~130 individual participants)
- 80% were new attending institutions and 20% were returning Institutions (participated in 2019),
- 20% of participating instiutions were HBCUs.

More about the 2021 program
Three all-institute provocations and 18 panels were animated by a set of design principles to help campuses develop an integrated and agile approach to institutional change that ensures a future in which more a diverse and inclusive institution supports a more holistic definition of student success.

2020, Building a community of practice
Since its launch in fall 2020, 37 ATI members have joined ATI’s newest community of practice focusing on academic equity, a continuation and expansion of many engagement points with members on this topic.

2019, The Summer Institute on Equity in the Academic Experience
Read more about the 2019 Summer Institute on the Archives Wiki page.