Building an equitable campus culture: Engaging faculty, staff in strategies for sustained change

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In order to examine the composition of equitable campus cultures, including people needed, reward structures, and institutional-level strategies necessary to build equity into our work, panels on the theme of Shared Equity Work addressed the questions (4.1) How do we make equity leadership everyone’s work and a shared endeavor? (4.2) How do we recognize, value, and reward appropriately the faculty and staff labor in equity work? and (4.3) What are the connections between recruiting and supporting diverse faculty and staff as core strategies for strengthening student equity and success?

4.1 How do we make equity leadership everyone’s work and a shared endeavor?

Dr. Adrianna Kezar: 1:55 | Dr. Virginia Valian: 20:08

This presentation takes a look at the support that students get while on campus. Our panelists examine programs that address whether students get equitable access to information and improve mentorship. The discussion also looks at issues of representation and inclusivity, such as building a sense of community among students of color who often feel isolated on campus.




4.2 How do we recognize, value, and reward appropriately the faculty and staff labor in equity work?

Dr. Gene Parker Intro 00:32 | Gina Gibau Intro 00:38 | Dr. Adanna J. Johnson Intro 00:54 | Gene Parker Presentation 1:31 | Gina Gibau Presentation 16:23 | Dr. Adanna J. Johnson Presentation 32:17

This panel examines some under-recognized aspects of faculty who are involved in equity work. Panelists discuss the obstacles faculty face in equity work, welcoming academic environments, and the impact of college experience on student outcomes. 


4.3 What are the connections between recruiting and supporting diverse faculty and staff as core strategies for strengthening student equity and success?

April Bedback 1:39 | Deniece Dortch 14:46 | Stasi DiMaggio 34:23

Systems change requires structural change, relational change, and transformative change. Equity work does not fall equally on all educators, and This panel asks us to look at the distribution of leadership in fostering change and to reflect on our own campus experiences of equity leadership distribution. This requires that we think differently about how we evaluate faculty and examine sources of error. These transformative changes also require centering the student experience and personal reflection.


Presentation slides

